
Opposite of Life

I’ve been surrounded by death lately, by way of my friends and an acquaintance from unfortunate passings of their loved ones. I’m heartbroken for them and as an empath, I can become enveloped in their grief. I consider myself extremely optimistic, but I haven’t been able to find that outlook through this, so it’s become an internal struggle. The blanket statement, “at least they are not suffering anymore”, doesn’t seem to absorb the emotion, so I don't say it. Although their loved ones are in a spiritually peaceful place, they are still here on earth living through heartache every day.

I was speaking to my friend, Latasha, about a situation and telling her I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. I want to do more than pray for and over them, more than call, more than letting them know I’ll be there if they need. I want to take their pain away. In times such as these, I always just want to do more. Latasha assured me what I subconsciously knew, which was my prayers and support is all they need. She is right, the people that know me and know my heart understand that I want to do more for them, but being still and praying is enough. Right now, they are doing the best they can day by day to work through their emotions. It’s already understood that I’ll be there for them in whatever capacity they need if they just say the words.

Prayer to me is the biggest action there is, so I will continue without ceasing. To my friends who have lost someone recently I've said this to each of you individually but please know that I love you, I’m here to be present when you need and I can tell numerous corny jokes to at least put a smile on your face for a moment. To anyone else dealing with any type of suffering right now, I'm praying for the metamorphosis into your true healing.

Little Sit Downs- Vol. I

Little Sit Downs- Vol. I

My entire life I have been obsessed with documenting my surroundings. Whether it's through writing, photography or video. After being diagnosed with MS and noticing my memory is haywire more often than I'd prefer, speaking with friends and family about their journey, what they stand for and what makes them happy has become therapeutic for me.

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